Sunday, May 15, 2011

18 Weeks

I can hardly believe that I am already 18 weeks! It seems to be going by super quickly! I think it is going so fast because the school year is going very fast too!! This is my first "bump" picture that I've taken, probably because there isn't too much of a "bump." I haven't been able to really think about baby or baby things because I have been so busy and focused on getting through the rest of the school year. I am so ready for summer to take more time to focus on myself and the baby!

I am starting to feel a little bit better as this pregnancy goes on but still not 100% quite yet. I keep waiting for it to go completely away! However, my mind is mentally prepared to be sick all 9 months... just preparing myself, that way if it does go away sooner it will be a blessing! :)

Pushing out to make a "bump!" I had to! :)

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Baby News! :)

Excited to announce that Baby Anderson will be here October 17th!! We are soo very excited for this new chapter in our lives! :) Mommy will be more excited when she is not so sick! It will all be worth it in the end! I keep picturing that little baby everytime I am hunched over the toilet! My baby will be a lot cuter than a porcelain bowl however! :)

12 week appointment later today and praying everything is going well! Woo hoo! Pregnancy is such a miracle!!!

Monday, October 25, 2010

October 25th... ALREADY?

Holy Moly, I can't believe I haven't posted in like five months... that is pathetic. Actually it is pathetic how busy I have been! It's a good busy though. Teaching kindergarten in Waterloo @ Kingsley Elementary and then straight to coaching at Wapsie until about 7 every night, getting home at 7:30, eat dinner, then finally see my husband!! And that gets pushed back even later if it is a game night!! Geessh! Does life ever slow down? I feel that even if I had 30 hours in a day, I would still feel behind. First year teaching and coaching makes for a very sleep deprived, workaholic, tired Amy. Good news... Thanksgiving break is coming up, then only two weeks back to school then 2 weeks off of school! Woo Hoo!

My volleyball team is doing a wonderful job. Tomorrow night is their second game in regionals. If they win tomorrow night (which they SHOULD) we have to win two more games to go to state! This team is very capable of going to state. They just have to play to their ability and control our side of the net. Lately they have been so up and down like a roller coaster. I am just hoping the Wapsie Valley team that is on the up is going to show up tomorrow and for the rest of the regional tournament. WE CAN DO IT!! =)

Welp, that is my life for now... school, volleyball, sleep! And all over again the next day!

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

We are HOMEOWNERS!!!!!!!!!!!

Wow, it's been about a month since I've posted and some pretty cool things have been happening in our life! We bought a house!!!!! Taylor and I had been talking about the idea of buying a house since about January. Nothing serious just throwing out ideas and didn't know if it was really the right time to. In February we went to look at a few houses in Readlyn (where Taylor teaches) and we LOVED one!!! Since our realtor was friends with the guy selling the house we were able to just throw out some numbers and man did we find out that he wanted ALOT more than we were willing to pay for the house!!!! So... we gave up and just decided hey, it isn't the right time right now for us. We love where we are now and we aren't spending much on rent. One of the reasons we were thinking about buying a house for the first time was the first time homebuyers rebate from the government. Since neither of us has owned real-estate the government literally writes you a 8,000 dollar check... I mean, COME ON!!! Nothing is free in this life but wowsers that is a lot of money! The deadline to have an accepted offer is April 30th. We thought there was going to be NOOOO way for us to meet this so we gave up on all kinds of houses. Well about two weeks before the deadline Taylor called the realtor to see if the seller had come down on his price at all.. just for one more final push. We were almost within about two thousand dollars but we didn't really, nor could be pay that much more for the house. So strike two we gave up again. Then we get a call from our realtor that he found a place for the seller, a little acreage, and that he might be a little more motivated to sell right now! And then the doubts came.... why now? Is this really the house for us? Is this where God wants us to be? I was super nervous because I don't know where I am going to be next year. Then I started throwing ideas like Waverly out there. We looked at a few houses and BOOO they were awful. Then just to make sure that we LOVED the house we looked at houses in Waterloo and Cedar Falls in our price range. NOTHING and I mean NOTHING compared to the house that we bought. So all doubts aside after looking at other houses and MUCH praying we decided to write up one final offer. Could this possibly strike three? NOPE!!!! He accepted and now we are going to be closing on the house on June 1!!! We are so excited and can't wait to have people over to hang out and entertain. =) Thank you God for making this decision clear. Although it was not easy we were just pulled to that house and God made it happen!!!!!!!

The pictures that I do have of the house are from the website where it was listed so they are not the best quality nor do they have the paint and decorating that I like but you get the just!! ENJOY!!!!

This is a front view of our lovely RED house!!! 123 Highland Ave! It is a ranch style house built in 1950 with a very spacious and open floor plan. Three bedroom, 2.5 bath house and about 2,000 square feet!

This is a view of the kitchen with the dining room attached. Half bath off the kitchen and sliding doors to the deck/backyard for little Ellie to run around!

The other half of the kitchen. Cupboards will need some work this summer!! We have a DISHWASHER!! FINALLY!!! =)

This is the family room off of the kitchen! Super big and cozy for lots of people to come and visit!

Other view of the family room!

Bedroom off of the family room. (the whole upstairs goes in one big circle... gotta love the ranch!!)

Our huge basement... which has the same amount of space as the upstairs. 1/2 of the basement is finished the other half has furnace, washer/dryer etc. And soon to be a workout room!

Other half of the finished portion of the basement. Eventually there will be a wet bar on this half!

And last but not least. This has to be one of my most favorite things about the house. It has a screened in Gazebo. This will be so perfect for hang outs/grilling/ bonfires! Yikes... can't wait!!!

Thursday, April 8, 2010

My Man is in Colorado

Taylor, Josh, Tim, Ed and Walt all made it safely out to Colorado this morning! As you can tell, it is a guys trip and all ladies are left at home, alone! Taylor said it was a long trip out there but it is so worth it because the mountains are just beautiful. They are planning on skiing and snowboarding for the next couple of days and heading back Sunday to be back early Monday morning. They are going to have a blast!!!!

Last night was my first night alone. Well, I shouldn't say alone, I guess I was with my puppy, Ellie. She kept me company! She was so cuddly and cozy all night long. Maybe a little too cuddly and cozy because it was so hard to get out of bed this morning. Especially because Taylor wasn't there to turn the light on in my eyes and PULL me out of bed!! haha Needless to say, I was running a little bit late to school the morning but, still made it in plenty of time before the kidos got there.

Tonight, Emilee Bates and I are going to go to the new "japanese steakhouse" restaurant by Texas Roadhouse. We just keep calling it the New Tokyo because we can't remember the name of it! I am so excited to spend some time with Em... catch up and talk about her upcoming wedding in August! Taylor is completely jealous because he wanted to take me there for the first time. Too bad, so sad!! He is in Colorado.... he can't complain!!!! YUMMY.... Can't wait for school to be done so we can go eat!! =)

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

First Grade, Here I Come!!!

So, for the past two months I have been long term subbing over at Fairbank Elementary in a 6th grade classroom. It has been such a great experience for me. I was pushed and tested in ways I didn't even know possible as a teacher. I can honestly say I am a much more confident and prepared teacher because of this experience. I finished up my last day with them on last Monday and tomorrow I get to start with a new group of 1st graders at Denver Elementary. I am totally pumped for this change and I am hoping I can have another great experience! I am sure I will!! =) I met the first graders today. There are 21 of them and the teacher has left me EXCELLENT plans!! I am excited for the next two weeks! =)

I haven't heard of many job openings as of right now, so I am keeping my fingers crossed and wishing and praying for the best! I cannot wait to have a classroom of my own and my "own" students. Again... I'm trying to be patient!!!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

It's been awhile...

Wow, I haven't written a blog in forever! I got started and was really excited about it and then I got busy and forgot about it! A lot of things have happened since I've written last. I am busy at a long term sub in Fairbank Elementary in a 6th grade room. I am having a good time however, I am excited to get out to other schools and get my name out there.

My whole family was in Iowa this past weekend! I had so much fun with them. They were such troopers. They came to my volleyball tournament in Cedar Falls and were the best spectators ever. We had a nice dinner with Taylor's parents also. It was just soooo good to have them at my house with me. I love being with my family! =)

Yesterday after work, Shelby and I went on a super long walk with the dogs: Brooklyn and Ellie. It was such a beautiful day and an awesome walk. It was great to get to talk with her a little bit and enjoy the wonderful outdoors! God is great!

Well, until I am motivated again....